Letras de Música : 

My love far away from me

Tags:  amor    poesia    música    sempre    love    para    vanessa  
oh my god...oh my god...i don't believe...i don't believe...

i cry in my bed
bad things are happening
i need you
but i missed your smile
why are you gone?
without a goodbye
i am so sick
because i don't have the cure

pre refrao
when the sky was grey
i can't see the sun
when the past was back
my wish is die
when i think in us
you are inside in my head
when i fly i don't remember
i don't have wings...

ohhhhh my god
i don't believe
i missed my soul
ohhhh my god
i don't believe
my love far away from me...from me...

i can see you in my mind
but i can't touch you
i can say i would change
but is very hard
i can tell you one secret
but you don't listen me
i can say i love you
but you don't understand...

pre refrao
when the sky was grey
i can't see the sun
when the past was back
my wish is die
when i think in us
you are inside in my head
when i fly i don't remember
i don't have wings...

ohhhhh my god
i don't believe
i missed my soul
ohhhh my god
i don't believe
my love far away from me...from me...

and i cry in my bed remember the past
and i cry in my bed remember us
and i cry in my bed...
and i cry in my bed...
and i cry in my bed because you

ohhhhh my god
i don't believe
i missed my soul
ohhhh my god
i don't believe
my love far away from me...from me...

Ricardo Pires Fernandes

Algum interessado em tocar esta música contacte-me ;) Ricardopf@msn.com
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