Homenagens : 

⁠Letter of condolences to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of England on the death of Prince Philipe Duke of Edinburgh

It is with joy but at the same time with sadness that I address Our Majesty.

The time is difficult, painful, so I offer Your Majesty, as well as all the Royal Family, my heartfelt condolences on the death of your much-loved husband, father and grandfather. I am so sorry for your loss...

I’m Ricardo Maria Louro (Richard Mary Bay), I live in Évora (a city in the South of Portugal). I’m 36 years old, I’m a Writer and Poet and I have an immense affection, a lot of tenderness and admiration for Your Majesty. I want to leave Your Majesty a word of affection for the death of Prince Philipe. That is, in fact, the major reason for my letter. I want to leave Your Majesty some words of hope, comfort and affection.

I imagine it's not easy for Your Majesty to say goodbye to someone so special. It has been many years of sharing. To say goodbye to someone you love is to feel your heart breaking into pieces; to feel a part of you leaving. It is to know a sadness that no time will ever forget.

Lord Byron, whom I greatly admire, once said in his poems: "The proof of pure affection is a tear".

And how many tears do we cry throughout our lives for all the affection we have? So many, so many!

“Grief is the price we pay for love," Your Majesty said. How profound. Thank you for this sentence that will always accompany me...

Prince Philippe was a cultured, intelligent man, brilliant in the roles he performed. A faithful and noble subject of Her Majesty the Queen. To see him go is to see a part of world history go. An icon for all of us.

Although I am not English I feel Your Majesty's loss profusely and I feel a deep sadness. And it is from that sadness that these verses, which I share below and dedicate to Your Majesty the Queen, were born. I felt them to be the words of Prince Philip to Your Majesty:


When our love is no longer what it once was

remember that the ashes that remain of us

are only dust, silence, the end of so many hours

that the hours of our history did not mark!

But you will see that I will be what I have always been for you!

The same look, the same Soul, always yours,

nothing in me has changed, besides no longer being here

and suffering, feeling that for us everything has died!

Farewell! A word that cuts my taste buds

that touches me in the silence and stillness

by the beaches of tiredness, in front of the sea.

So many turns I took the world, it was in vain,

I never found your youth

in other eyes, nor the touch of your hand.

Once again I am reminded of Lord Byron when he wrote in his verses that the memory of happiness is no longer happiness but the memory of pain is still pain.

What a fatal truth for human existence! But I believe that in the depth of the Not-Being, the Being always reveals itself!

Although the moment is one of silence and mourning Your Majesty had to mark your Birthday. May this day repeat itself for many years with Health, peace and love.

With open heart and humbly prostrate at Your Majesty's feet, I have the honour to be, Lady, your humble and obedient servant,

and I therefore bid Your Majesty farewell with tenderness, esteem and consideration.

Évora, 25 April 202
Ricardo Maria Louro
"The Last Romantic"

God Save the Queen!

Ricardo Maria Louro

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