Sonetos : 


Tags:  SONETOS 2016  

-- "Caravaneiro ao tráfico da seda
Carregado de sonhos d'Oeste oriundos,
Que vens à encruzilhada de dois mundos,
Aonde tanta gente se envereda?"

"Acaso óleos d'aquela terra leda
De olivais excelentes e fecundos?
Ou trazes desde os poços mais profundos
Cobres por ladrilhar nossa alameda!?

"Revestidos de lazúli, ouro e jade
Os ricos edifícios da cidade
Testemunham a glória d'estes prados."

"E tu, caravaneiro, o que nos levas
Além das sedas por luas longevas
Nos extremos caminhos palmilhados?..."

Betim - 27 01 2016

Ubi caritas est vera
Deus ibi est.

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Publicado: 28/01/2016 10:24  Atualizado: 28/01/2016 10:54
SAMARKAND a minha cidade eleita

Será a minha próxima etapa de bicicleta até Mary para finalizar em Istanbul, outras cidades milenares, Bukara ,Fergana,Urgenk Dushanbe,Tashkent,khiva, Nukus , Asgabat ,Astrakan Herat (não poderei passar nem conhecer muitas delas infelizmente )
Fui preso pelas autoridades Chinesas em Xingiang,(mais precisamente em Haixi) pouco antes da cidade Histórica e referida por Marco Polo Kashgar (embora tivesse omitido a muralha da China a qual eu também não vi por tentar fazer o mais semelhante possível a minha rota com as de marco Polo e o comercio da seda Chinesa, também não poderei continuar a viagem por Aleppo (passagem marítima para Veneza) devido ao perigo e a destruição ocasionada pela guerra na Síria) diziam os cerca de 10 oficiais da policia do estado e traduzido pelo telemóvel com transulator que o meu visto não era válido para o interior da China e principalmente para a Zona de Tien Shan onde havia revoltas do povo Tibetano pela independência e apesar de ter viagem marcada de Bishkek no Kirguistan (antiga rep.Russa) fiquei sem possibilidades de regressar antes de caducar o visto para a China.

Tão importante era kashgar ou Kashi na rota da seda como plataforma e passagem e paragem obrigatória entre várias e tão distintas civilizações que os Himalaia e outras grandes depressões adjacentes a esta a qual divide e por ser a única passagem entre A China o Pakistan e a Mongólia do Gobi pela tristemente célebre passagem do Karakoram devido a guerra , a estrada mais alta do mundo, apenas com o Transibériano foi possível atravessar entre a a Rússia e a China um pouco mais a Norte pelo Mortal deserto do Gobi em lugar de atravessar a bigorna do sol como era considerado o deserto inclemente do Taklamakan ou Taklamagan o qual matou inclusivamente os cartógrafos alemães que há pouco mais de um século o tentaram cartografar (a Alemanha sempre teve um fascínio particular por esta área do mundo desde ao monte Ararat no Irão como se podem lembrar nos filmes de Indiana Jones em que busca do Santo Grall ou da arca suscitar lutas viscerais entre este e os alemães (os maus das longas metragens)

Espero continuar esta minha viagem em breve de bishkek atá pelo menos ver Mar Cáspio senão Istanbul, veremos...
obrigado pela recordação...

Na Ágora eles balbuciavam e elas caiavam casas de areia,
Os conquistadores, (excepto os poetas; esses eram justos)
Eles sabiam que o tempo voava, não eu, semilouco:

– (Sei que o deserto, sob as ameias abriga os destroços,
De quando as caravanas cruzavam as dunas,
Com as patas em ferida e sons de sinos de prata
E estendia-se as mãos, para glórias e Messias,
No conforto dos poços, abraçados de palmeiras.)

E os grandes “souks” à beira do caminho,
Eram um formigueiro frenético, de povos sob estrelas,
Onde os homens vinham festejar, agora enfim,

Na Ágora, eles esperam e elas tecem saris de branco.

Aqueles eram apenas astros, que uma vez os guiaram
No deserto através de dunas, vergados de seda
Agora sentados nos calcanhares até de madrugada,
Desmontam a alquimia do que outrora eram.

Jorge Santos (12/2010)

(Baseado no poema de James Elroy Flecker)
“The Golden Jorney to Samarkand”


Four great gates has the city of Damascus,
And four Grand Wardens, on their spears reclining,
All day long stand like tall stone men
And sleep on the towers when the moon is shining.

This is the song of the East Gate Warden
When he locks the great gate and smokes in his garden.

Postern of Fate, the Desert Gate, Disaster's Cavern, Fort of Fear,
The Portal of Bagdad am I, the Doorway of Diarbekir.
The Persian Dawn with new desires may net the flushing mountain spires:
But my gaunt buttress still rejects the suppliance of those mellow fires.

Pass not beneath, O Caravan, or pass not singing. Have you heard
That silence where the birds are dead yet something pipeth like a bird?
Pass not beneath! Men say there blows in stony deserts still a rose
But with no scarlet to her leaf - and from whose heart no perfume flows.
Wilt thou bloom red where she buds pale, thy sister rose? Wilt thou not fail
When noonday flashes like a flail? Leave, nightingale, the caravan!

Pass then, pass all! "Bagdad!" ye cry, and down the billows of blue sky
Ye beat the bell that beats to hell, and who shall thrust ye back? Not I.
The Sun who flashes through the head and paints the shadows green and red, -
The Sun shall eat thy fleshless dead, O Caravan, O Caravan!

And one who licks his lips for thirst with fevered eyes shall face in fear
The palms that wave, the streams that burst, his last mirage, O Caravan!
And one - the bird-voiced Singing-man - shall fall behind thee, Caravan!
And God shall meet him in the night, and he shall sing as best he can.

And one the Bedouin shall slay, and one, sand-stricken on the way
Go dark and blind; and one shall say - "How lonely is the Caravan!"
Pass out beneath, O Caravan, Doom's Caravan, Death's Caravan!
I had not told ye, fools, so much, save that I heard your Singing-man.

This was sung by the West Gate's keeper
When heaven's hollow dome grew deeper.

I am the gate toward the sea: O sailor men, pass out from me!
I hear you high on Lebanon, singing the marvels of the sea.
The dragon-green, the luminous, the dark, the serpent- haunted sea,
The snow-besprinkled wine of earth, the white-and-blue-flower foaming sea.

Beyond the sea are towns with towers, carved with lions and lily flowers,
And not a soul in all those lonely streets to while away the hours.
Beyond the towns, an isle where, bound, a naked giant bites the ground:
The shadow of a monstrous wing looms on his back: and still no sound.

Beyond the isle a rock that screams like madmen shouting in their dreams,
From whose dark issues night and day blood crashes in a thousand streams.
Beyond the rock is Restful Bay, where no wind breathes or ripple stirs,
And there on Roman ships, they say, stand rows of metal mariners.

Beyond the bay in utmost West old Solomon the Jewish King
Sits with his beard upon his breast, and grips and guards his magic ring:
And when that ring is stolen, he will rise in outraged majesty,
And take the World upon his back, and fling the World beyond the sea.

This is the song of the North Gate's master,
Who singeth fast, but drinketh faster.

I am the gay Aleppo Gate: a dawn, a dawn and thou art there:
Eat not thy heart with fear and care, O brother of the beast we hate!
Thou hast not many miles to tread, nor other foes than fleas to dread;
Homs shall behold thy morning meal and Hama see thee safe in bed.

Take to Aleppo filigrane, and take them paste of apricots,
And coffe tables botched with pearl, and little beaten brassware pots:
And thou shalt sell thy wares for thrice the Damascene retailers' price,
And buy a fat Armenian slave who smelleth odorous and nice.

Some men of noble stock were made: some glory in the murder-blade:
Some praise a Science or an Art, but I like honourable Trade!
Sell them the rotten, buy the ripe! Their heads are weak; their pockets burn.
Aleppo men are mighty fools. Salaam Aleikum! Safe return!

This is the song of the South Gate Holder,
A silver man, but his song is older

I am the Gate that fears no fall: the Mihrab of Damascus wall,
The bridge of booming Sinai: the Arch of Allah all in all.
O spiritual pilgrim rise: the night has grown her single horn:
The voices of the souls unborn are half adream with Paradise.

To Meccah thou hast turned in prayer with aching heart and eyes that burn:
Ah Hajji, whither wilt thou turn when thou art there, when thou art there?
God be thy guide from camp to camp: God be thy shade from well to well:
God grant beneath the desert stars thou hear the Prophet's camel bell.

And God shall make thy body pure, and give thee knowledge to endure
This ghost-life's piercing phantom-pain, and bring thee out to Life again.

And God shall make thy soul a Glass where eighteen thousand æons pass,
And thou shalt see the gleaming Worlds as men see dew upon the grass.
And son of Islam, it may be that thou shalt learn at journey's end
Who walks thy garden eve on eve, and bows his head, and calls thee Friend.


We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage
And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die,
We Poets of the proud old lineage
Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why, -
What shall we tell you? Tales, marvellous tales
Of ships and stars and isles where good men rest,
Where nevermore the rose of sunset pales,
And winds and shadows fall towards the West:
And there the world's first huge white-bearded kings
In dim glades sleeping, murmur in their sleep,
And closer round their breasts the ivy clings,
Cutting its pathway slow and red and deep.


At the Gate of the Sun, Bagdad, in olden time

Away, for we are ready to a man!
Our camels sniff the evening and are glad.
Lead on, O Master of the Caravan:
Lead on the Merchant-Princes of Bagdad.

Have we not Indian carpets dark as wine,
Turbans and sashes, gowns and bows and veils,
And broideries of intricate design,
And printed hangings in enormous bales?

We have rose-candy, we have spikenard,
Mastic and terebinth and oil and spice,
And such sweet jams meticulously jarred
As God's own Prophet eats in Paradise.

And we have manuscripts in peacock styles
By Ali of Damascus; we have swords
Engraved with storks and apes and crocodiles,
And heavy beaten necklaces, for Lords.

But you are nothing but a lot of Jews.

Sir, even dogs have daylight, and we pay.

But who are ye in rags and rotten shoes,
You dirty-bearded, blocking up the way?

We are the Pilgrims, master; we shall go
Always a little further: it may be
Beyond the last blue mountain barred with snow,
Across that angry or that glimmering sea,
White on a throne or guarded in a cave
There lives a prophet who can understand
Why men were born: but surely we are brave,
Who make the Golden Journey to Samarkand.

We gnaw the nail of hurry. Master, away!

O turn your eyes to where your children stand.
Is not Bagdad the beautiful? O stay!

THE MERCHANTS in chorus :
We take the Golden Road to Samarkand.

Have you not girls and garlands in your homes,
Eunuchs and Syrian boys at your command?
Seek not excess: God hateth him who roams!

We make the Golden Journey to Samarkand.

Sweet to ride forth at evening from the wells
When shadows pass gigantic on the sand,
And softly through the silence beat the bells
Along the Golden Road to Samarkand.

We travel not for trafficking alone:
By hotter winds our fiery hearts are fanned:
For lust of knowing what should not be known
We make the Golden Journey to Samarkand.

Open the gate, O watchman of the night!

Ho, travellers, I open. For what land
Leave you the dim-moon city of delight?

THE MERCHANTS with a shout
We make the Golden Journey to Samarkand.

The Caravan passes through the gate

THE WATCHMAN consoling the women
What would ye, ladies? It was ever thus.
Men are unwise and curiously planned.

They have their dreams, and do not think of us.

VOICES OF THE CARAVAN : in the distance, singing
We make the Golden Journey to Samarkand.