Poemas -> Reflexão : 

You always on my mind: September 11 - "World Peace Garden Center"

(Remember September 11, 2001, New York, I testified this tragedy and wrote this poem during my stay on this city)

Today is Sunday…
I look around in Brooklyn
Because today is Sunday
The people walking very quiet on the street
Suddenly I stop, the man told me did you wanna an ice cream?

When hear the cry of trees
As spread its foliage on sidewalk
It seem me that your lament sound as the pain in moment
Thousand people missing before the end of autumn

But trees has a mission: give your green clothes
For the mystical cycle life stalk
Well, which is the frontier between dark and light?
Drugs, violence, religious conflicts, do you feel safe in world?

In the mid fall season,
I think about the reason
For the human tragedy
Look at newspaper, day by day…

Unfortunately it’s a true not nightmare
I wanna to be a lie, sometimes the true injury us
But is written in New York sky with smoke pen
Innocent people are missing under debris

Did they do for terrible ending?
Nothing, absolutely nothing
Brothers and sisters, parents, tourists
Thousand humans will always go down as terror victims

Maybe I am romantic, or dreamer
Believe me, I died a little more with this stupid attack
The winter begins more earlier for me
Not the winter of snow, but the winter of shadows

Luther King, Gandhi, gave us the example
Of forbearance, justice and peace in the world
For improve the humanity we need the values review
And question ourselves about what kind the world do we wish?

The children without parents
This break someone’s heart
Around the world the war produced hate, destruction and deaths
Could to gut in our heartbreaking?

Not so far way, other lands there are other people suffering
By social exclusion, feel cold, pain and hunger,
In this sad happening we could to make a lessons
Urge changes in human process of development

Nothing justify this barbarousness
Take care us, because the ferment for warmonger is spread around
It’s necessary a response, but not with other innocent victims
Remember Vietnam, Chorea, how many soldiers and civil people died?

I hope that the God in our heart, Call the government leaders
For stopped the stupid act of possible war
Who could to answer about safety after this attack?
The hijackers don’t hidden in a Castle wait for response,
Certainly they live in anything country, include here.

We need to hunt the peace with open eyes for the humanity future
The freedom comes together with justice
The first principle of justice say that the justice should to protect the life
In the world history, when the man drawn on arms death in justice’s name

When I stop my walk for a rest, I close my eyes and prayer for the victims
In sunny day at Park Slope, all pictures in NY Times call my attention
Passengers, Word Trade Center workers, policemen and firemen
I was involving by strong emotions, get a short nap and during my dream
I can to imagine the heroes above our heads, brow in the wind and saying for all people:

“We lost the best of our lives, but don’t make more victims besides us.
We loved the freedom, justice and peace. Think about this.
We would like to remember us as Gandhi, Luther King and others, as peace warriors.
We were working for a best world for everybody.
Now, we hope that you begin to work for rebuilt the local for a definite garden honor for a new time.
Change the name for “World Peace Garden Center” and our ashes will be the first pillar of your foundation, we will work for “peace, freedom and justice” forever.”

As the sun born day by day,
The humanity renew in hopes, happy and harmony
When the people work with the spirit of love in your minds and hearts,
Each season, the wonderful masterpiece of God happens,
As the river in the earth flows for the sea,
As the vessels in the body flows for the heart,
The world need changes for our sons, our brothers,
We are citizen of the world, such as the people dead in WTC
And we are responsible too for the humanity future
I believe that we should to think our actions in the sense more deep of life.
What do we doing of our lives?
What do the means live?
What look for in our being?

I don’t have the answers for many questions that grieve the humanity,
But I think that everybody has inside yourself the questions and answers,
And the things become more clear in moments that we live crises,
Maybe the winds of hopes brow again and calm our hearts and make possibly imagine the new horizon grown for the next generation.

As the single sand grain has its importance for the land,
As the far way star has its meanings for the universe,
The man, himself, has a role for your own spiritual growths and could to turn your existence in singular experience.

None live alone, everybody needs everyone; everyone needs everybody!
This is a principle of existence.
We need to practice and appreciate more the human relations in our lives.
They begin when me and you or you and me, have had the possibility
to establish the dialog and become its the main reason of life.
Your existence depends of me, and I am live because you warrant this.
Think about this.

Nothing has right about life of other people. The religious, type of job, position, country etc.,
should not to interfere in destiny or interests of the people.
Everybody in the world have right to social justice, freedom and peace, this is written in “Right Humans Letter of Nations United”.

From war to war, we lost the humanity existence sense and expend a lot of lives and money.
Most of people around the world have had showed your repulse against war.
The main battle in this time, should be reduced the social and economical inequality between countries, and your people around the world.

We have different culture, habits, language but we are sons of the same planet - Earth.
And the God, well, the God has different names for different mystical experiences.
Sure God recognizes all, bless for every person, every country.

God Bless America! God Bless everyone country! God Bless everybody people.

AjAraujo, physician and Brazilian poet
Mount Sinai School of Medicine - NY - USA
Sunday, September 23, 2001.

(Remember September 11, 2001, New York, I testified this tragedy and wrote this poem during my stay on this city)
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Publicado: 10/09/2011 02:10  Atualizado: 10/09/2011 02:10
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