Poemas : 

Football is a lifestyle ...what do they know (versao ingles)

Football is a lifestyle ..... grass, sun, cold, rain and earth .... the workout is finished .... 9 pm and there I go with the bag under his arm ... . journey home and still trying to dine .... In training I scraped the skin .... I hope that tomorrow will not fall for the same side .... I get home and tell my mother, shaking his boots or let them outside ...

What gives us strength to continue season after season in football?

On Sundays I like to sleep ... others say ... We're never together, says your girlfriend ... but it is thought to study and work, say your family ...
Hear this, you think to yourself ... and smiled ...

What do they know what makes you feel as a goal and your colleagues hold you desperately ... What do they know of that you are carrying knocks, and the pain that you cause they know ... That's what you feel in the dressing room when he leaves the call ... What do they know not what you feel when you play ... What do they know the strength that gives you a pat on the back of a colleague when a pass goes right you ... What do they know of your deep breathing when the coach gives the starting 11 ... What do they know what you feel when you're on the bench ... What do they know what is winning or losing a game to 5 minutes to go ... What do they know what you think of 10 minutes before the game ... What do they know what is to be heating up since the first 5 minutes of the second half, hoping that the coach you bring in ... What do they know how to vibrate with a win ... What do they know the pain to sit in a defeat ... What do they know what you feel, when the player makes goal brands that you should know ... that you give them the falls and sometimes you have to get up ... What do they know what is give the last pike almost unable to breathe ... What do they know what you feel when you see the game from the bench ... What do they know what is being stopped or miss the rest of the season due to injury ... What do they know the baths cold water you've ever had to take ... What do they know the heat, cold and rain you had to endure ... What do they know what is to train every day during the summer months, when all your friends are on vacation ... What do they know when they all go dancing, and you go to sleep to play the next day ... What do they know the hardships that you ... What do they know what is out of practice or a game full of hunger and not having enough to eat ... what do they know what it is not able to gather up every day with friends and family ... What do they know how much you love football ... What do they know what it is to lose youth in favor of love ... What do they know what is coming to an end of an era and leave friends that you did ... What do they know what you train Monday to Friday and Saturday were not even called ... What do they know what it feels like to lose to an end ... What do they know the excitement, goose bumps, we felt as we read this little note ... Earth, Grass, Scratches 10 people ... you ... 11 across the field ...

This is OUR life, what do they know?? Many said that football has nothing to do with life ... do not know how much they know of life, but football does not know ANYTHING ...

In life as in football ... if we lose a game, we lose if we lose a little ... HONOR, lost a lot ... but if we lose courage, lose EVERYTHING!
Commitment: NEVER GIVE UP!

Sónia Costa, Coimbra – Portugal 2011.

"Act always so that your behavior might be a principle of universal law" (Kant)

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