Poemas : 

The Heaven Within

Tags:  esperança    céu    hope    Heaven  
Through your eyes I see a world of wonder
Where every flower seems that cannot die;
I see a world where there’s no asunder,
Nothing that can make the children cry.

Through you I see a world of perfection
Where no one can find an use for their masks;
Through your eyes I can see the God’s reflection
And the purpose for our everyday tasks.

Through you I can dream ‘bout the future
Even knowing that I live for today.
Through you I can see all things so pure
That every song seems to me like a prayer.

But I wonder, when I look to the seas,
Just who draws the lines between the countries?


‘Cos If this world is like the one I see
When I look into your eyes, why all lies?
Are your eyes liars or there’s no Thee
That can help those who fall and those who cry?

Oh! But no! your eyes are not the liars!
They can’t be! There must be all the others
Who like to be on every crossfire
And those who like to kill their own brothers.

Yes. Must be them! And against them we’ll fight.
We must fight! For love and for the freedom
We must be the light on the darkest night
We must fight for the kingdom that will come.

We must join all of our mighty armies
United with love. We’ll fight all the lies!

Come, my beloved, give me your hands
And together we’ll ride over the world
‘till we find another promised land
Where we can rest our tired souls.

And through there we can organize mankind
In order to open their eyes for good.
So, like us, The Heaven Within they could find,
And, with us, fight for peace they could.

Come, stay by my side now, together,
We’ll guide all mankind to that new country
That always was, and will be forever,
New from the past into eternity.

Come now, wash all your beloved tears,
‘Cos our destiny will have no frontiers.

Come, let’s make our this chanlange:
Let’s copy the simple drop of water,
That, when touch the ocean, it changes
And becomes one with all the others,

But as it does that, it create waves,
That grow in concentric circles until
Those waves become more and more braves,
That could touch ev’ry continent or hill.

Yes, let us be like that drop and touch all
Around us. Let us be anonymous
And, yet, break all those mundane walls
And, even being small, we’re enormous!

Yes, let’s delete all those lines
That nothing divides or defines.

(espero que não exista nenhum problema com poesia em inglês)
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